Most parents know that children need vitamins and minerals to stay healthy. But knowing exactly what nutrients and how much they need of each is not always easy. Learning a bit more about vitamins and minerals can help ensure your kids are on the right nutritional track. Despite parents’ best efforts, kids may not always get all the vitamins and minerals they need. To make sure your kids are getting the full range of nutrients that they need, be sure to offer your children a variety of foods. Start by taking a closer look at the foods your kids eat on a regular basis.
The nutrition labels on food packaging can show you which foods contain the proper nutrients. Below is a breakdown of the essential vitamins and minerals that kids and teens need for different areas of growth and where to find them:
- Vitamin A is important for healthy skin and normal growth, and it also helps vision and tissue repair. Vitamin A can be found in rich quantities in yellow and orange vegetables, dairy products, and liver.
- Vitamin B helps the body produce red blood cells and assists in metabolic activities. Vitamin B is found in meat, poultry, fish, soy, milk, eggs, whole grains, and enriched breads and cereals.
- Vitamin C is the body’s tool for healing and fighting off infection, and it also strengthens tissue, muscles, and skin. For healthy doses of vitamin C, look to citrus fruits, strawberries, tomatoes, potatoes, brussels sprouts, spinach, and broccoli.
- Vitamin D helps the body form and maintain strong teeth and bones and assists with the absorption of minerals such as calcium. Vitamin D is found in fortified dairy products and in fish oils. Adequate exposure to sunlight is also a way to get enough vitamin D. Sunlight stimulates the vitamin, which naturally occurs in the skin, to become active in the body. (Remember not to stay in the sun too long without SPF protection.)
- Iron is important for kids, especially during periods of accelerated growth. Iron contributes to the production of blood and the building of muscles. Beef, turkey, fish, beans, and fortified breads and cereals are excellent sources of iron.
- Calcium is vital for the development and maintenance of healthy bones and teeth. Consuming inadequate amounts during childhood can affect growth and development, but it can also lead to weak, fragile, and porous bones (potentially leading to osteoporosis later in life). Calcium is found in low-fat milk, sardines, yogurt, and cheese. It is also present in lesser amounts in vegetables such as broccoli.
Because the body cannot naturally produce all the necessary vitamins and minerals, it is important to ensure that kids get these vital building blocks in the foods they eat. A well-balanced diet is typically all it takes to guarantee that kids and teens are getting the necessary vitamins and minerals. But how much of everything do they need? The USDA recommends that parents use FOREVER KID for children as a guideline for how much of certain foods kids and adolescents need for a healthy diet, taking vitamins and minerals into consideration. Because vitamin deficiencies may not be obvious, following the recommendations can help eliminate worries about whether your children are receiving appropriate nutrients.
- Kids need 1.5–4 ounces of whole grains every day, depending on age. Not all brown breads use whole grains, so check the label.
- A healthy serving of vegetables means getting 1–3 cups per day, depending on age. For fruit, kids should get 1–2 cups every day. Fruit juice may count toward this serving, although it’s important to check the label and make sure it contains real fruit content—not just from concentrates or sweeteners.
- To meet calcium requirements, kids need at least 2–3 cups of milk a day. Yogurt and cheese are good milk alternatives. To get the healthiest servings, look for low-fat options.
- Kids should get 2–6.5 ounces of protein per day, depending on age, according to the USDA. This is best found in chicken, beef, turkey, and fish. For vegetarian protein choices, look toward nuts, beans, and peas.
For children and teens with highly selective diets, such as vegetarianism or a dairy-free diet, and for children with erratic eating patterns, a health care provider may recommend a daily supplement, the American Academy of Pediatrics says. Over-the-counter vitamin supplements are typically safe and come in chewable forms in case your child has difficulty swallowing. Remember, however, that higher-than-recommended dosages of supplements can cause problems. For example, giving high doses of vitamin C in hopes of preventing colds and the flu can cause a child to have nausea, diarrhea, and cramps. Children’s vitamins and supplements may come in fun colors and shapes, but they are not candy. Make sure you’ve told your child that vitamins are a kind of medicine—not a snack. Follow label instructions about serving size and dosage instructions. Ask you health care provider for advice if you have questions about supplements. Keep vitamins and supplements out of the reach of children and make sure the items are stored in child-proof containers.
Forever Aloe Bits N’ Peaches
Forever Aloe Bits N’ Peaches® is just a touch of natural peach flavor and peach concentrate.
For centuries, people all around the world have used Aloe Vera for its health benefits. The addition of peaches provides carotenoids – valuable as antioxidants and a source of vitamin A. 33.8 fl oz bottle
- All The benefits of Forever Aloe Vera Gel™
- Refreshing, fruity taste – just like pure peach juice
- Ideal for children
Forever Aloe Bits N’ Peaches® provides another great taste to enjoy with its 100% stabilized aloe vera gel and just a touch of natural peach flavor and peach concentrate. A taste sensation like no other, it contains pure chunks of aloe vera, bathed in the flavor of sun-ripened peaches. For centuries, people all around the world have used Aloe Vera for its health benefits. The addition of peaches provides carotenoids – valuable as antioxidants and a source of vitamin A. They are also essential for maintaining the proper function of the immune system. Forever Aloe Bits N’ Peaches® offers many healthful ingredients – all packed into a great-tasting drink.
Benefits Of Forever Aloe Bits N’ Peaches
Forever Aloe Bits N’ Peaches is a formidable combination of all nutritious goodness of our patented Aloe Vera Gel with sun dried California peach juice that gives it the most unique flavor ! A taste sensation like never before, it contains pure hand cut chunks of Aloe vera which get coated with the peach juice that leaves a sweet sensation in the mouth. Forever Aloe Bits N’ Peaches provides another great way to enjoy 100% stabilized Aloe Vera Gel with just a touch of natural peach flavor and peach concentrate. Aloe Vera Gel : For many centuries, people all around the world have used Aloe Vera for its health benefits. Its cleansing, detoxifying and nutrient infusing attributes are well known. By adding chunks of aloe to Forever Aloe Bits N’ Peaches ! Forever has only added new dimension to the already nutritious product. Fructose, or fruit sugar, is a simple monosacharide found in many foods. Natural sources of Fructose are Honey, tree fruits, berries, melons and some root vegetables containing significant. Natural Fructose is the most easily digestible form of sugar. Benefits of Peaches : Peaches are extremely rich in vitamin A and potassium, apart from abounding in a number of other nutritional value and good for the health of an individual. Being rich in Vitamin A, peaches may help make the skin healthy and also add color to the complexion. The potassium content is peaches is good for cardiac health. Peaches comprises of more than 70 percent water and are a good source of dietary fiber making them good for those trying to lose weight. Peaches also provide carotenoids. Carotenoids are the pigments that give fruits and vegetables their rich red, orange and yellow colors. The primary benefit of carotenoids lies in their antioxidant potential. Carotenoids lies in their antioxidants potential. Carotenoids lutein and zeaxanthin are also known to promote clear vision. With all these nutritive elements, Forever Bits N’ Peaches offers many healthful ingredients – all packed into a great-tasting drink. Pour Over ice or mix with fruit juice, and enjoy the delightful taste of nature’s bounty any time of the day ! In fact, y using little bit of imagination and innovation, you can make delicious drinks and shakes using the Forever Bits N’ Peaches as a base product.
Forever Kids®
Give your kids the nutrients they need each day with Forever Kids® Chewable Multivitamins.
Formulated without artificial colors or preservatives, the phytonutrient base is taken from such nutritious foods as carrots, beets, broccoli, spinach, blueberries, apples, cranberries, tomatoes and strawberries. 120 tablets
- No artificial colors or preservatives
- Chewable tablets
- Phytonutrient base taken from the finest raw foods including broccoli, spinach, beets, and carrots
Give your kids the nutrients they need each day with Forever Kids® Chewable Multivitamins. These fun and delicious multivitamins provide both adults and growing kids ages two and older with the vital vitamins, minerals, iron and phytonutrients they may be lacking. Iron is a new addition to Forever Kids for its role in immune support and cognitive development. Iron, a commonly deficient nutrient, also supports overall health. Phytonutrients are highly desirable plant nutrients found in vegetables and fruits. Our new and improved formula has more phytonutrients from a new, improved blend of fruits and vegetables. The result is a multivitamin that tastes great, is fun to eat and complements the range of other supplements that Forever Living offers! Formulated without artificial colors or preservatives, the phytonutrient base is taken from such nutritious foods as carrots, beets, broccoli, spinach, blueberries, apples, cranberries, tomatoes and strawberries. You and your kids will love the natural grape flavor, and you’ll love the peace of mind!
Forever Bee Honey®
A great-tasting, all natural sweetener loaded with nature’s goodness.
Throughout the ages, honey has been recognized as a premium natural food – a storehouse of energy that is easily digestible. This great-tasting, all natural sweetener is loaded with nature’s goodness. 17.6 oz bottle
- 100% Natural
- Provides quick energy
- Natural sweetener, easily digested.
Bees make honey by traveling from flower to flower, removing the rich nectar. The nectar is temporarily stored in their bodies, where it mixes with their enzymes before being deposited into beehives. Throughout the ages, honey has been recognized as a premium natural food – a storehouse of energy that is easily digestible. This great-tasting, all-natural sweetener is loaded with nature’s goodness. Easy to digest, Forever Bee Honey® is a quick and natural energy source for any occasion!