Forever Living Garcinia plus is a food supplement specially designed for people who want to lose weight or to stabilize it, especially after a diet.
It will also use to limit the appetite and will have a blocking effect on the transformation of sugars in fat.
Its main composition is Garcinia fruit extract which makes it an extremely natural dietary supplement.
Unique composition
Garcinia cambogia fruit extract, safflower oil and chromium.
Slimming companion
Ideal in rebalancing food phase or in case of diet.
Garcinia Cambogia has proved its effectiveness in several countries where it tested for several years with more than convincing results. forever living garcinia plus
Garcinia is a very interesting principle in terms of weight loss. This is HCA or Hydroxy-citric Acid.
HCA will have two distinct actions on our organism, first of all it will have a blocking effect on the functioning of the citrated lyase. (liver enzyme for lipid metabolism). HCA thus prevents the synthesis of lipids from which an organism will store less fat. Our body will have to tap into our existing fat reserves to meet our energy needs.
Hydroxy-citric Acid, also known to be a natural appetite suppressant.
Our appetite will reduce because the HCA will act on our body by transforming carbohydrates into glycogen (calories immediately used), the feeling of satiety felt more quickly hence a desire to nibble lessened or eliminated. forever living garcinia plus
Garcinia® will be your slimming ally for its actions on appetite but also on the limitation of fat storage.
Forever Garcinia Plus is also composed of Chrome. Chromium is one of the trace elements important to the good development of our organism. It will have an action on the level of insulin (hormone that regulates blood sugar), it is he who facilitates its action. Chrome will help our body stabilize and normalize our carbohydrate levels. forever living garcinia plus
Garcinia® helps the stomach to regain its original size and increases serotonin production in the brain, which increases satiety and prevents cravings.
Garcinia® inhibits an enzyme responsible for converting excess sugar into fat. By this action the garcinia® can burn more carbohydrates. And prevent them from being stored as fat in the body. forever living garcinia plus
Chromium picolinate is a cofactor of insulin. Insulin can convert carbohydrates into energy. Chromium improves this mechanism and therefore helps regulate blood glucose.

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