Forever Living Products for Piles, Piles Natural Treatment Pack! A hemorrhoid(s) sometimes referred to as “piles”, is a swollen vein or group of inflamed veins in the lower rectal area or anus.
Forever Living Products for Piles | Natural Solution for Piles (Kooko)
There are 2 types of hemorrhoids: Internal (when hemorrhoid formed inside the rectum and may protrude out of the rectum) and External (when hemorrhoid formed in the anal opening and covered by skin). Piles is classified into four grades:
- Grade I: There are small inflammations, usually inside the lining of the anus. They are not visible.
- Grade II: Grade II piles are larger than grade I piles, but also remain inside the anus. They may get pushed out during the passing of stool, but they will return unaided.
- Grade III: These are also known as prolapsed hemorrhoids, and appear outside the anus. The individual may feel them hanging from the rectum, but they can easily re-inserted.
- Grade IV: These cannot be pushed back in and need treatment. They are large and remain outside of the anus.

Piles Natural Treatment Pack is a set of natures pure organic products that works perfectly to treat both internal and external piles, mostly piles always generated internally, sometimes it develops in the anal area, these products will help you remove any inflammation in the body and keep your system very clean.
Piles Natural Treatment Pack has antioxidants that fight against free radicals contained in the body, support and boost proper digestion for maximum absorption of nutrients from consumed food in the body. It helps promote and boost body metabolism which helps to resolve constipation.
Piles Solution Pack has both internal and external products. Which makes it works more effectively on the two types of piles (internal and external). Forever living products for piles treatment The Piles Natural Treatment Pack has an effective creme purposely made for external use. Which shrink and remove the external protruding pile which normally hangs around the rectum or anus. The products in the piles natural treatment pack are natural and results orienting that works perfectly with no side negative side effects.