055 777 5851
055 777 5851
Exchange can be done if the following condition applied. You can return unopened items in the original packaging within 24 hours of your purchase with a receipt or proof of purchase. If 24 hours or more have passed since your purchase, we cannot offer you an exchange.
To complete your return, we require a receipt or proof of purchase. A customer has to notify us about the return by Contacting us at info@healthyhealthgh.com within 24 hours of receiving the item. Please e-mail the following details:
Once a request for return e-mail is received, we will generate a reverse pickup request, and a courier service representative will visit you for the pickup within 1 to 2 days depending on your location. The courier service representative will issue a courier slip with a tracking ID when the item is picked up. It is available for most pin codes.
Note: Return pickup GH₵20 will be deducted as a Delivery charges.
Conditions for Self Return:
Please remember that the customer is responsible for the returned item until it reaches us. Once the item to be returned is shipped (handed over to the courier company), the customer should return the item you purchased, please E-mail it to info@healthyhealthgh.com the following shipping details:
HEALTHY HEALTH GH does not provide a refund on any Products sold. Customers will receive store credit for the entire amount of the returned item if they meet the terms and conditions set above.
The customer will have to accept all the charges for the return. The returned item will be accepted if it reaches us in the same condition as was received by the customer.
There is no expiry date for the store credit, and it can be used at any time in the future
Airport Residential Area Near Association International School